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How Can You Tell Moissanite Apart From A Diamond?

The Conundrum of Gem Identification

As shimmering engagement rings and breathtaking jewelry pieces grace fingers and necklines worldwide, two gems in particular stand out: diamond and moissanite. Their striking similarities often confuse even the keenest eyes. But how can one truly differentiate them?

A Journey to Their Origins

From Earth's Depths: The Diamond's Tale

Diamonds, renowned for their unmatched hardness, originate from Earth's mantle. These ancient carbon deposits have witnessed eons, making them not just gemstones, but also pieces of history.

Stellar Beginnings: Moissanite's Meteoric Story

Contrary to diamonds, moissanite's tale is literally out of this world. Originally discovered in meteor craters, they're often perceived as "space diamonds". However, most moissanites today are lab-created.

Distinctive Physical and Optical Characteristics

1. Refractive Index and Brilliance

While both gems are brilliant, moissanite has a higher refractive index. This means moissanites can display more fiery rainbow colors, whereas diamonds exhibit a classic, clear brilliance.

2. Hardness on the Mohs Scale

Diamonds clinch the top spot at 10. Moissanite follows closely, boasting a commendable 9.25.

3. Density and Weight

A moissanite gem of identical size as a diamond will weigh less. If you come across a stone that's lighter than expected, it could be moissanite.

Evaluating Them Under The Lens

Professional Testing Methods

a. Electrical Conductivity

Moissanite is a semiconductor. Diamonds, especially pure ones, aren't. Jewelers often use this distinction for quick identification.

b. Magnification

Under 10x magnification, natural inclusions or blemishes may be visible in diamonds. Moissanite, being lab-created, often appears flawless.

Price, Ethics, and Sustainability

Though not directly related to physical properties, these factors can provide context. Moissanites generally come at a fraction of a diamond's cost. Furthermore, ethical concerns surrounding diamond mining have led many to opt for lab-grown alternatives like moissanite.

Feedback from the Wearer

Many wearers notice a difference in the "fire" of the two stones. Moissanite's vibrant bursts of color can be more pronounced, especially under certain lights. If a wearer is observant, they can sometimes distinguish their gem based on its interaction with light.


In the world of precious gems, understanding the nuances between moissanite and diamond can be both an art and a science. Through careful observation, professional testing, and a touch of knowledge about their origins and properties, one can confidently differentiate these two sparkling wonders. Whether you lean towards the storied depths of diamonds or the celestial allure of moissanite, both gems have their unique beauty and tale to tell.


  1. Is moissanite as durable as diamond?

    • Moissanite is slightly less hard than diamond but is still extremely durable, making it suitable for daily wear.
  2. Can moissanite pass as a diamond?

    • To the untrained eye, it can be hard to distinguish, but professionals can typically tell them apart.
  3. Does moissanite lose its sparkle over time?

    • Moissanite retains its sparkle and clarity, similar to a diamond.
  4. Why is moissanite so much cheaper than diamond?

    • Moissanite is lab-grown and more abundant, making its production and sale more cost-effective.
  5. Is there a stigma attached to wearing moissanite?

    • Perception varies, but many modern consumers appreciate moissanite for its ethical and sustainable aspects.

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